The Tokugawa Period set many foundations for Japanese culture, including those in religion and art. [4] In a generally restrictive and controlled society, these entertainments served as a social safety valve offered by the shogunate to the merchant class (although participation in this world was egalitarian). [28] The first Tokugawa ruler, or shogun, established a new capital in Edo (today’s Tokyo). [2] [3] Description: Author Institution: University of Michigan This notion of the true Confucian scholar ideal had exponents in 17th-century Japan who found the Neo-Confucianism promulgated by the shogunal authorities to be suspect and politically skewed.

As their ubiquitous presence in Tokugawa artwork and literature suggests, images of bourgeois wives and courtesans took on iconic status as representations of two opposing sets of female values. Ieyasu was victorious and in 1615 Tokugawa forces eliminated the remaining Toyotomi resistance in Osaka. [11], This gallery provides a broad selection of art of the Edo period from the MFA’s permanent collection. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Tokugawa Art Museum (徳川美術館, Tokugawa Bijutsukan) was built on the grounds of the Owari's former feudal residence and preserves and exhibits several of their treasures including samurai armor and swords, tea utensils, noh masks and costumes, poems, scrolls and maps. [3] [29] Some, but not all, of the painters in this circle were politically active supporters of the imperial or royalist cause. [2] He recommends that visitors don't miss the Walter + Mona Lutz Gallery, the only one in the United States devoted solely to bamboo art from China, Korea and Japan. Closely associated with their powerful patrons, the Tokugawa shogunate, the Kano school prospered throughout the Edo period. Absent are kawara-ban, or the crude broadsheets that were another form of covert resistance to the censorship laws, and discussions of other arts, like Kabuki theater, which were also forced to circumvent those laws. [28], The role played by "courtesans" (young women, often highly trained in polite arts, who granted favors of companionship and sex for money; pictured below) became a highly visible feature of the urban culture of the merchant class. [3] [7] Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. [3], This video unit on Tokugawa Japan (1600-1868) highlights the importance of this period and contextualizes the political and social stability of the period in light of the many important changes in that also occurred. [31], The most important philosophy of Tokugawa Japan was Neo- Confucianism, stressing the importance of morals, education and hierarchical order in the government and society: A strict four class system existed during the Edo period: at the top of the social hierarchy stood the samurai, followed by the peasants, artisans and merchants. [15] [2], More recent scholarship identifies the Tokugawa period, 1603-1868, as a time when Japan experienced significant social, economic, and political changes that laid the groundwork for modernization. [3] The sheer size of the collection of the Tokugawa Art Museum ensures thats only a small fraction of the treasures are on display at any given time, so if you find yourself in a position to visit on a regular basis you will have the chance to view different pieces each time. The interpretations offered by the collaboration of Kōetsu and Sōtatsu in the late Momoyama period developed into a distinctive style called rinpa, an acronym linking the second syllable of the name of Ōgata Kōrin, the leading proponent of the style in the Edo period, and ha (pa), meaning “school” or “group.” Sōtatsu himself was active into the 1640s, and his pupils carried on his distinctive rendering of patterned images of classical themes. [1], The defined power of warlords and their samurai created a social obligation to act as a patron of the arts. [34] [15] Tokugawa period (1603–1867), the final period of traditional Japan, a time of peace, stability, and growth under the shogunate founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu. [2] [7] These can be loosely classified into two categories: the individualist, or eccentric, style and the bunjin-ga, or literati painting. The Tosa school, a hereditary school of court painters, experienced a period of revival thanks to the exceptional talents and political acuity of Tosa Mitsuoki. 39-52. Lacquer food bowl, early seventeenth century, decorated with the crests of two of Japan's greatest families--the Tokugawa and the Mori. [7] [1], The Tokugawa (or Edo) period brought 250 years of stability to Japan. [20] Britannica now has a site just for parents. His accomplishments in portraiture are especially significant and reveal his keen study of Western techniques. [2], The continuity of the anti- bakufu movement in the mid-19th century would finally bring down the Tokugawa. As well as the Tokugawa Art Museum, Nagoya has many fine museums including the Toyota Automobile Museum, a vast Science Museum and several good art museums and galleries. [15] All Tokugawa shōguns claim descent from Ieyasu, who is recognized as the dynasty's founder. [3] Particularly distinctive of the period was the increase in the number of important individualist artists and of artists whose eclectic training could meet the demands of varied patronage. Most art was related to ancient Chinese traditions and symbols. [4] [12], Toyota City, just 30 minutes from Nagoya, is home to the Municipal Art Museum constructed by Yoshio Taniguchi who also renovated MoMA in New York. The Tokugawa shogunate not only consolidated their control over a reunified Japan, they also had unprecedented power over the emperor, the court, all daimyōs and the religious orders. [2] [9], His field-defining general study, Obtaining Images: Art, Production and Display in Edo Japan, was published in 2012 (Reaktion Books/Hawaii University Press) and will be released in paperback in 2017. Other notable exponents of the rinpa style in the later years of the Edo period were Sakai Hōitsu and Suzuki Kiitsu (1796–1858). [5] The second class of the hierarchy were the fudai, or "house daimyōs ", rewarded with lands close to the Tokugawa holdings for their faithful service. The resulting system of semi-autonomous domains directed by the central authority of the Tokugawa shogunate lasted for more than 250 years. [7] Ask students to jot down the main ideas from the reading, and be ready to share them with another group of students, all of whom will have read about a different aspect of the period. [17] Noh theater is an art form in which stories are told in a simple and somber manner that contains deep levels of symbolism. The transition in sea travel from sail to steam put new demands on Western trading and naval fleets. During the Tokugawa period, the social order, based on inherited position rather than personal merits, was rigid and highly formalized. The core of the collection was donated by a direct descendant of the first Tokugawa shogun, and includes a priceless collection of art objects, furnishings and heirlooms. During the Edo Period, the shoguns of Japan belonged to the powerful Tokugawa family, so historians also refer to this time in Japanese history as the Tokugawa shogunate. Japan enjoyed a period of relative peace during the Tokugawa period from 1600 to the mid-19th century, also called the early modern or the "Edo". [28] [7] The Chinese connoisseur and painter Dong Qichang (1555–1636), in expounding his theory of the history of Chinese painting, posited a dichotomy between Northern conservative, professional painting and the Southern heterodox, expressive, and free styles. The Tokugawa Art Museum houses the hereditary collection of the Owari branch of the Tokugawa clan that ruled the Owari Domain in what is now Aichi Prefecture. In a conflict with the shogunate over issues ultimately relating to Japan’s posture toward the international community, Kazan was imprisoned and then took his own life. Additional facilities at the Tokugawa Art Museum include a tea lounge and museum shop. The nine exhibition rooms of the Tokugawa Art Museum are dedicated to the symbols of the samurai warrior (swords, armor and helmets), the tea ceremony, a formal chamber of a feudal lord ( daimyo ), a recreated Noh theater, personal items and furnishings of the lord, the Illustrated Tale of Genji and three rooms showing special exhibitions. Its collection contains more than 12,000 items, including swords , armor , Noh costumes and masks, lacquer furniture, Chinese and Japanese ceramics , calligraphy , and paintings from the Chinese Song and Yuan dynasties (960-1368). [11] Many items on display formed part of the trousseau which well-born and status-conscious ladies brought with them on marrying into the Owari Tokugawa family. © Copyright 2017, Power Text Solutions, All [29] [14] Woodblock printing began during the era as did the kabuki theater. The Dutch trading post of Deshima in Nagasaki Harbour was Japan’s primary window on the outside world, providing a steady stream of Western visual images, most often in print form and frequently once removed from Europe through a Chinese interpretation. Yoshinao's descendants became known as the Owari branch of the Tokugawa. [21], Nothing could be further from the truth, as indicated by the controversy surrounding the new government policy making budō (martial arts) instruction a mandatory part of the junior high school curriculum. Abstract The blind deviate from bodily ideals and how we make sense of this difference matters. ( Students may report that during the Great Peace of the Tokugawa era, many economic and societal changes occurred in Japan. During the Tokugawa era, Noh was regarded as a classical form of theater. Following the lead of Chinese culture, women and men of all classes engaged in the traditional arts of music, painting, calligraphy, and games of skill. The image is decidedly different from the gentle but stately renditions of the Kamakura period. The sensuality of this art lay in stark contrast to the austerity of samurai and helped to spur samurai resentment and scorn -- although it is also true that samurai who could afford it would lay aside their swords and distinctive dress and visit city entertainment quarters incognito (sometimes masked), something that class codes forbade them to do openly. With their rapid accumulation of wealth, Edo townspeople also became patrons of art, creating a previously unprecedented artistic pluralism. In the final years of the Tokugawas, foreign contacts increased as more concessions were granted. Tokugawa Ieyasu exacted power and moved his administration to the city of Edo (present day Tokyo). Zenga is the Japanese term for the practice and art of Zen Buddhist painting and calligraphy; it is associated with the Japanese tea ceremony and also various martial arts. An important art trend during the Edo period was the bunjinga or Nanga School, a kind of literati painting highly influenced by China literati. [21], With the Tokugawa Shogunate relaxing centuries of age-old restrictions on travel, urban populations embraced travel art and Hiroshige became one of the most prominent and successful ukiyo-e artists. Explain how Tokugawa policies, the arts, and travel shaped Tokugawa society. The capital city of Japan, Edo, began to grow during the Tokugawa into the great city that has become Tokyo today. [6], To further assess student understanding, ask students to create a classroom art exhibit of the Tokugawa period, assigning groups to select art focusing on one aspect each of societal change during the period. Both the affluent merchant town elite and the old Kyoto aristocratic families favored arts that followed classical traditions, and Kōetsu obliged by producing numerous works of ceramics, calligraphy, and lacquerware. [7] Shimizu, Yoshiaki, ed. Japanese art - Japanese art - Tokugawa, or Edo, period: At the death of the Momoyama leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1598, his five-year-old son, Hideyori, inherited nominal rule, but true power was held by Hideyoshi’s counselors, among whom Tokugawa Ieyasu was the most prominent. [34] With the ascendancy of Zen Buddhism and the interest of many prominent monks in Chinese culture, the shogunate absorbed the arts of Chinese literature, Confucian studies, the ritualized consumption of tea, ink monochrome paintings, garden design, and calligraphy." [5] [18]. The online collection displayed at the museum's website includes arms and armor, teaware, decorative arts, clothing, and Noh theater masks. Zenga is the Japanese term for the practice and art of Zen Buddhist painting and calligraphy, which developed during the Edo period. [5] [17] At the death of the Momoyama leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1598, his five-year-old son, Hideyori, inherited nominal rule, but true power was held by Hideyoshi’s counselors, among whom Tokugawa Ieyasu was the most prominent. [7], The artistic trends in Edo reflected a growth in popular culture and a demand for art with mass appeal. Strict customs and rules, which also originated in the elegant practices of the Ashikaga shoguns, dictated not only the ornamentation but the choice and arrangement of art for a shoin setting. The twelfth century Illustrated Handscroll of The Tale of Genji ranks as a masterpiece in Japanese art and the most famous object in The Tokugawa Art Museum collection. [12], This era, which followed more than a century of political upheaval, began with the decisive military victory of warrior-statesman Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542-1616) over his rivals, ushering in a period of stability and unprecedented economic growth. [8] As a visitor to the museum, you also have access to the nearby Hosa Bunko library that houses a huge literature collection that has been passed down through the generations of the Owari Tokugawa family. Privacy Policy  | During the prior Tokugawa period, from the early 1600s until the mid-1800s, Japan had existed within a bubble: it was a feudal, pre-industrial society that had had very little contact with the outside world. The economic power of the merchant class and the expansion of the urban centres widened the audience for the arts from the traditional base of the nobility and the political elite. [5] Through his interest in intellectual and artistic reform, he perhaps came the closest to exemplifying classic literati ideals. Destinations - Aichi - Nagoya - Tokugawa Art Museum, Tokugawa - Lesson | Imaging Japanese History, Tokugawa Shogunate: Religion and Art |, Thoughts on Martial Arts, Education, and Values |, 1450 to 1750: Japan | Asia for Educators | Columbia University, Tokugawa period | Definition & Facts |, Tokugawa Art Museum | Travel Japan - Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), A major exhibition of 350 priceless art treasures representing. [5] While there are other private museums throughout Japan, the Tokugawa Art Museum is a gem in many ways as it is basically a collection of family heirlooms - the family in this case being the Owari branch of the descendants of Tokugawa Ieyasu. [6], The urbanization of Tokugawa Japan and the rising wealth of those immersed in commerce led to the growth of a new type of urban culture, placing great value on sensual luxury, entertainment, and leisure arts. [17], Complimenting this amazing collection of samurai artifacts is Tokugawa Park, a beautiful example of the classic Japanese garden. [18] [7], Unlike many private museums in Japan, which are based on collections assembled in the modern era by corporations or entrepreneurs, the Tokugawa Art Museum houses the hereditary collection of the Owari branch of the Tokugawa clan, which ruled the Owari Domain in what is now Aichi Prefecture. In the first half of the 19th century, a group of painters, including Reizei Tamechika, explored ancient painting sources and offered a revival of Yamato-e style. The Tokugawa Art Museum is truly unique, in that it is a privately owned establishment and a bastion to the Tokugawa name. The Tokugawa Art Museum ( 徳川美術館, Tokugawa Bijutsukan ) is a private art museum, located on the former Ōzone Shimoyashiki compound in Nagoya, central Japan. Along with a shoin, the innermost audience chamber (hiroma) featured a raised section for the lord to sit. Most of the art treasures donated by the Tokugawa museum and the families of the former shogunate are considered priceless, they said. [13] [12] Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Tokugawa shogun, chose Edo (present-day Tokyo) as Japan’s new capital, and it became one of the largest cities of its time and was the site of a thriving urban culture. [7] Experiments in realism, significantly influenced by exposure to Western models, produced major new painting lineages. This essay explores the role of religion during this important period. The argument, which was highly polemical and overgeneralized, nevertheless promoted the ideal of the learned scholar-gentleman who had no pecuniary or political interests and was unintimidated by the overly polished and spiritless examples of professional painting. [2] ... History … [7], As Japan became exposed to Western culture at the end of the Edo period, many bunjinga artists began to incorporate stylistic elements of Western art into their own. Kanō Eitoku's grandson, Kanō Tan'yū (1602-1674), proved to be a child prodigy, earning a place as the official artist of the Tokugawa shogunate at the age of 15 to decorate castles and provide the "look" of power for 17 th century Japan. Within the merchant class there was a renaissance for the arts and the floating world picture style became big in Japan and is what it is know for today. [10] Tokugawa Yoshimune, for example, allowed a considerable influx of foreign books. Supporters of the initiative argued that requiring children to study a martial art would help to cultivate respect for traditional Japanese culture and values. [22], Take a step back in time as you wander through the Tokugawa Art Museum’s extensive and spectacular exhibitions. Attractions near Tokugawa Art Museum: (0.06 km) Tokugawa Garden (0.08 km) Nagoya City Hosa Bunko (0.23 km) Japan Evangelical Lutheran Resurrection Church (0.31 km) Tokugenji Temple (0.47 km) Ozone Onsen Yunoshiro; View all attractions near Tokugawa Art Museum on Tripadvisor Only sections from three of the scrolls handed down in the Owari Tokugawa family and from one scroll long held by the Hachisuka family (now in the Gotoh Museum) survive today. [18] Many painters who would later begin their own stylistic lineages or function as independent and eclectic artists received their initial training in some Kanō atelier. A literature focused on romance began to spread (the merchant class at all levels was remarkably literate in Tokugawa Japan), styles in clothes became increasingly lavish, and a cult of sexual indulgence grew in importance (Japan had never been as prudish or moralistic as most cultures, something expressed in the relaxed non-moralistic character of the native religion of Shinto). [2] [1] [2] [16] [18] The succeeding Tokugawa shōguns, based in Edo, continued their predecessor’s patronage of the arts, including the tea ceremony, the collection of tea wares, Nō theater, and paintings by Kano School artists. This module focuses on the Tokugawa period, 1603-1868. [2] [12] The Tokugawa Art Museum includes a cut-away version of a shingle roofed tea house built in the sukiya style. [1] A lineage that formed under the genius of Maruyama Ōkyo might be summarily described as lyrical realism. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. [30] ... History of Japanese Art. It encouraged detailed research of classical Japanese literature, formed a philosophical base for a systematization of Shintō, and promoted direct national allegiance to the emperor rather than the shogun—especially when the shogunate seemed to fail in its duty to repel the encroaching Western powers. [21] [7], Students then work in small groups to read about an aspect of the period and jigsaw with members of other groups to create a larger view of the dynamics of the Tokugawa period. [7] A Case Study of Tokugawa Japan through Art: Views of a Society in Transformation "For many years, Western scholarship presented a narrative of Tokugawa Japan as a stable, but also stagnant society. Tokugawa Japan’s society evolved to the point that it became one of the most literate and urbanized countries on the planet. Tani Bunchō produced paintings of great power in the Chinese mode but in a somewhat more polished and representational style. Frequently combining haiku and tersely brushed images, Buson offered the viewer jarring, highly allusive, and complementary readings of a complex emotional matrix. Rights Reserved. [2] arts, the lives of the individuals engaged in them, and the role of patronage in architecture and its construction, the subject of this paper. Other notable individualists of the 18th century included Soga Shōhaku, an essentially itinerant painter who was an eccentric interpreter of Chinese themes in figure and landscape conveyed in a frequently dark and foreboding mood. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1988. Woodblock prints were first used in Japan as early as the eighth century, but they became a highly sophisticated and popular art form during the Tokugawa period (1603-1868). [30] Attached to branches of the trees are decorated slips of paper bearing classical poems inscribed by the unseen participants in traditional court outings to celebrate the seasons. [19] [2], Since at least 2001, they have been displayed in the Tokugawa Museum for one week in November. You may invite visitors from other classrooms to attend an exhibit opening and assign your students to serve as docents, explaining the significance of the art on display and how it reflects societal transformation during the Tokugawa period. Painting and patronage Hall, 2004 trusted them at first, but not all, of the wave Japonism! ] Handed down through the Tokugawa shogunate as shogunate officials and daimy images from the gentle stately. 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